Official Bavaria Dealer

M3 Servizi Nautici - Olbia

Motor Boats

Our dealer M3 Servizi Nautici - Olbia in Olbia (OT) will be happy to advise you on our BAVARIA YACHTS motor boats and give you information on prices, specifications and much more.

Our services
  • Sale of pre-owned boats, sail and motor
  • Winter storage
  • Refitting and Maintenance
  • Resin department and carpentry
  • Electrical / electronic plant engineering
  • Truck for transportation and 40t mobile crane owned
  • Painting - Careening
  • 360° customer assistance
Make an appointment
M3 Servizi Nautici - Olbia
Località Cala Saccaia - via Madagascar, 46
7026 Olbia (OT) ,
Plan route
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Monday - Friday 2 pm - 6.30 pm
Saturday 9 am - 12.30 pm
Saturday 2 pm - 5 pm
Sunday closed
Make an appointment